Screenshot of a social media post by Literature Wales. The image features photo portraits of 10 chosen writers organised in two rows, with a yellow border on a pale blue-grey background. Cathy is located in the top row, second from the right

I am 1 of of the 10 writers chosen by Literature Wales and Disability Arts Cymry to take part in this year's Reinventing the Protagonist. 

Reinventing the Protagonist is an online writer development programme for Deaf and/or Disabled and/or Neurodivergent writers. This opportunity is organised and run by Literature Wales in partnership with Disability Arts Cymru. The programme is delivered as a series of 5 digital group workshops and bespoke one-to-one sessions, led by internationally acclaimed playwright and writer Kaite O’Reilly. 

The programme was held for the first time in 2023, with some of the writers who took part going on to achieve great success with their writing – from publishing books, to completing first drafts of novels to professionally developing plays.  

This year’s cohort are: Amy Grandvoinet, Cathy Piquemal, Fiona Maher, Grace O’Brien, Jane Campbell, Kaja Brown, Leigh Manley, Regina Beach, Stephanie Roberts and Tafsila 

a recipe for Bouillabesse (003) (1).pdf

My 2013 story, published in Planet Magazine, The Welsh Internationalist explored identity and belonging through my mother's Bouillabaisse recipe, exploring the complex consequences of my move to Wales.

Ten years on, I am working on creating an extended sequel: A Serving of Welsh Bouillabaisse.  This expanded narrative and poems are reflections on a series of ruptures and repairs—my mother's advanced Alzheimer's, Brexit, cancer, increasing hearing impairment, ADHD and medication, and my son's gender transition —examining what it means to live "adjacent" to life and envisioning a dynamic, divergent future.

Through my writing, I seek to articulate these themes, inviting others to join in the exploration of our shared narratives, finding connection and belonging in the spaces between.  

These writings will inform my immersive, participatory, and accessible performative banquet described on my creative practice page