Recently in my freelance practice, and spurred on by my lived experience of disabilities and access needs, since 2020 I have made the positive and conscious choice to specialise in Access and Inclusion so Deaf, disabled and neurodiverse people have genuine equal access to the Arts and are enabled to participate fully working towards removing the multiple and persistent barriers that exist across the arts sector

I also work part-time with Theatre Clwyd as 1 of 5 agents for change across Wales to help embed better accessibility in mainstream theatre

short video edit of examples of my access work in 2022/23

short video edit of access work on Aberetwm May 2023

I work with organisations, projects, festivals seeking to make their creative output, project or production more accessible for Deaf, disabled or neurodivergent artists, crew, staff or audiences. This can mean (but is not limited to) :

I work with and for individual Deaf, disabled or neurodiverse artists or talents can mean (but is not limited to) :